The Older I Get!!The Mint Lounge had an interesting theme — interpretations on war and peace. Here is my take!!3d ago23d ago2
Every End is a New Beginning!!Every choice, every decision, every event, every beginning is made in the hope that it will end well.Dec 15, 20241Dec 15, 20241
A Story of Grit and Resilience!The extra-ordinary story of Margaret Xavier who was my student — a story of grit, resilience and strength!!Oct 20, 20241Oct 20, 20241
Being Honest is Always Interesting!!Honesty requires one to have the ability to make the right choices, honesty requires effort and much more.Sep 8, 20241Sep 8, 20241
A Brush With Death!!Thank you God and to everyone who kept the 3rd boat afloat with thought, prayers, word and deed.Jul 28, 20242Jul 28, 20242
Making Meaning of our Lives — Styles of Two Grand Old Ladies!!They left us a legacy on the art of making meaning of life. They loved life and lived life with vitality until the end.Jun 2, 2024Jun 2, 2024
Who Killed the Cat??Did Curiosity Kill the Cat, or is it the Mother of all Invention? Exploring the nature of Curiosity!!Feb 25, 2024Feb 25, 2024
The Deafening Sound of SilenceWhat sounds have I collected from infancy? So very very very many.Jan 21, 2024Jan 21, 2024
To Trust or Not to Trust!!I have encountered instances of the abuse or misuse of trust, as well as instances of trust inspiring and motivating.Nov 26, 20232Nov 26, 20232